The Keys to the City
The Museum adheres to the project, “The Keys to the City” which includes proposals and itineraries both educational and instructional for kindergarten, elementary, and middle schools.
For further information, please visit:
PREISTORIE per gli alunni della scuola dell'infanzia e della prima e seconda classe della scuola primaria CODICE 294
ALLA RICERCA DELLE NOSTRE ORIGINI per le classi terze della scuola primaria CODICE 295
RACCONTIAMO LA PREISTORIA per la scuola secondaria CODICE 296
UNO SCAVO ARCHEOLOGICO PER RIFLETTERE SULL'AMBIENTE per le classi quarte e quinte della scuola primaria e per la scuola secondaria di primo grado CODICE 102
RIVOLUZIONARTI un percorso per promuovere il museo quale luogo di accoglienza e inclusione sociale per le persone con autismo, per le classi della scuola dell'infanzia, primaria e secondaria di primo grado CODICE 198
UOMO E AMBIENTE: EFFETTI (PIù O MENO) INDESIDERATI per la scuola secondaria, in collaborazione con il SISTEMA MUSEALE DI ATENEO CODICE 97
The Museum goes to school
The Museum conducts educational activities (since 1985) that are formulated according to regulatory guidelines and realized in collaboration with museums and cultural institutions.
The activities, intended for schools of all levels and types (from kindergarten to secondary schools), include theoretical lessons, guided tours and workshops to be executed at the museum and at school.
They deal with themes of archaeology, by means of a proper educational approach to the study of ancient human cultures, with particular reference to prehistoric archaeology. The methods for carrying out the teaching programs are adaptable to the needs of the teachers and are fulfilled in close collaboration with them.
Our staff are graduates in various archaeological and historical disciplines, engaged in various fields of research, from experimental archaeology to historical research, and possess a broad teaching experience.
Individual events are advertised in the “news” section.
“The prehistoric as told by children” competition
An annual competition for kindergarten, elementary, and middle school students who participate with a variety of projects (drawings, models, reproductions, films, etc.) concerning prehistory.
The initiative concludes with awards for the best creations and their exhibition at the Museum.
Prehistoric archaeology workshops
These workshops are informative and didactic initiatives on the grand themes of prehistoric archaeology, intended to further explore or complete the scholastic programs, themes that are agreed upon and developed in consultation with the teachers.
The most requested subjects are the ancient technologies, the origins of art (painting, engraving, and sculpture), the first musical instruments, the first ceramics, weaving, and the milling of grains.
These laboratories are designed for elementary and middle schools and are adapted to different levels of learning.
Download sheets about "Conoscere la preistoria: proposte didattiche tra storia e scienza", "La preistoria dell'uomo", "L'uomo e l'ambiente nel passato", "Giovani ciceroni al Museo di Preistoria" e "Archeologia del territorio fiorentino".
Archaeology and history workshops
Some workshops cover important topics, such as classical archaeology of the Mediterranean, of the ancient Near East, of ancient Egypt, as well as modern and contemporary history.
Download sheet about "La terra tra i due fiumi: le civiltà dell'antica Mesopotamia", "La civiltà egizia", "Lungo il fiume giallo: la civiltà cinese", "Le civiltà egee: minoici e micenei", "La civiltà greca", "Miti ed eroi dell'epos omerico", "La civiltà etrusca", "La civiltà romana", "Giochi e giocattoli della civiltà antica", "L'immaginario medievale" e "Il colore nell'antichità".